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Name Change - Our Bariatric Lift is Now Called The XL Toilet Lift

Name Change - Formerly "Bariatric Toilet Lift" is now The "XL Toilet Lift"!
Many customers seemed unfamiliar with the term bariatric, but everyone understands what XL means. We hope the name change increased the awareness of this great lift and its 650 pound capacity.
Our Heaviest Lifting Lift Is Ready To Go
Our new, high-capacity toilet lift, the XL1 is the strongest toilet lift we've ever made. It raises and lowers people who weigh as much as 650 pounds
Six Hundred and Fifty Pounds!
650 pounds!
Patients and residents need our help. This lift will save emergencies, injuries, accidents, embarrassment, and expense.
It will also save their caregivers time, effort, injury, and will allow them to assist patients without requiring a co-worker to assist. 
Facilities and caregivers have asked us for a lift that will help them handle their largest patients. We are proud to now be shipping a solution. We hope you will check with your team to see if you can help them. 
You are likely using other bariatric equipment. It is time to get help toileting. The toilet is typically the lowest seat in the facility. Your customers might need a lift. 
Image of Dignity Lifts - Bariatric Toilet Lift - XL1 - In Stock, Ships Now
Dignity Lifts - Bariatric Toilet Lift - XL1 - In Stock, Ships Now
Click Here to See It At Dignity


Would you like more information? Want to order?
1. Reply to this email. I'm happy to answer questions, have a conversation, and prepare a quote for your facility. 
2. Or call me at 1-248-602-0932

Tom Nardone
President, Dignity Lifts

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