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Dignity Lifts Moved To A New Warehouse - May 29th, 2024

Sneak Peek - Dignity Lifts' New Space
We have outgrown our parent's (ware)house and will be moving into our very own home. We are quite excited about it. I made this video as soon as we received the keys. In my 25 years in business, I've only moved twice.
We keep expanding! 
  1. Word is spreading that people can remain safe in their homes and go the bathroom by themselves with Dignity Lifts toilet lifts.

  2. Our growht required more space. So the new location will be nice.
  3. We aren't moving far. Our new location's parking lot is connected to our current building's parking lot, so the move should be smooth and easy.
  4. We will be up and running at the new address at the end of May. 
Image of Our Deluxe Lift - DL1
Our Deluxe Lift - DL1
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Image of Commercial Lift - CL1
Commercial Lift - CL1
For Facilities
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Dignity Lifts - Bariatric Toilet Lift - XL1 - In Stock, Ships Now
Up To 650 Pounds
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Dignity Lifts - Bidet Toilet Lift - WL1 - In Stock, Ships Now
Handles Hygiene Too

If you find you might need a Toilet Lift, we would love to talk to you.
1. You can reply to this email. We are listening.
2. You can call us 1-248-602-0932
3. You can visit

Tom Nardone
President, Dignity Lifts

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