DL1 Replacement Switch
Replacement Part: Switch and pigtail for a DL1 toilet lift.
Here is our test process. This will help us diagnose any problem:
First, answer this question: Is the lift stuck in a certain position? What position is it in (all the way up, all the way down, middle?) If the lift moved one way until it stopped but didn't move the other, it may be the switch. (Keep doing this test method)
Next: Unplug the charger from the lift and do the following.
1. Push the up button, note how many lights light up on the front. What happens when you push the button (does the lift move)?
2. Push the down button, note how many lights light up on the front. What happens when you push the button.
3. If the lights lit up when one way was pushed but did not light up when the other way was lit up, the switch is bad. Replace it.
Thanks for running through this.