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5 Questions for Tom, the President of Dignity Lifts Toilet Lifts

5 Questions for Tom, the President of Dignity Lifts Toilet Lifts

Tom from Dignity Lifts toilet lifts

Here are some questions and answers from Tom, the President of Dignity Lifts - Toilet Lifts.
1. Do you enjoy developing and selling toilet lifts? 
Yes! It is a lot of fun for me. I've developed and patented other products, but toilet lifts are the most well loved.
2. What is your favorite part of the job?
Right now I really enjoy joking around with the people I meet. Our goal is to show the lifts to as many people as possible. I've found that everyone is happier if we joke around. Everyone in our industry has a toileting joke. I love them all.
3. Who uses the lifts?
People use Dignity Lifts to prevent needing to move to get the next level of care. Most go to independent living and peoples' homes. Most users are semi-ambulatory. They typically use a walker/rollator/mobility scooter.
4. What benefits do people get out of having a toilet lift? 
The biggest benefit is that our customers get to stay where they live. Often, toileting issues drive people to need more advanced care. If you cannot toilet yourself you often end up in an Assisted Living Facility. But with a toilet lift, many people can stay in their home or in an Independent Living facility.
5. What does the future hold for Dignity Lifts?
We hope to reach more and more people and facilities with our products. Hopefully as we grow our customers will tell us about their other needs and I'll get the opportunity to engineer another solution. I like solving problems like that.
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